lord sai baba

Famous sai baba temple in Machilipatnam

Famous sai baba temple in Machilipatnam

Machilipatnam once upon a time known as Masulipatnam under British rule and as Bandar in folklore is a city and a special grade municipality and the District Administrative Head-Quarters of the Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh, India. It is located 62 kilometres  east of Vijayawada.

Muslims tend to speak Urdu. Women of all cultures and faiths typically wear the traditional Indian dress, the sari โ€“ sometimes Salwar Kameez. People in Machilipatnam practice Hinduism, Islam and Christianity. Hindus and Christians generally speak Telugu.

Machilipatnam city is well known for sweet dishes called Bandar Laddu, Musr Laddu and Bandar Halwa. Kuchipudi, a popular Indian Classical Dance form originated at Kuchipudi, 25 kilometres from Machilipatnam. The dance form is in practice in Machilipatnam.

Machilipatnam is a city with a rich history of foreign conquests, business and trade. The relics of Bandar Kota (Machilipatnam Fort) can be visited. The old light house is still standing.

sai baba temple machilipatnamThere are many famous temples located in Machilipatnam, Sai baba temples is the one of the best temple to be visited. The biggest Sai Baba statue can be found on the main road of District court center in Machilipatnam. Sai baba  statue is so big that anybody who goes near the temple can only touch his feet. The statue appears as if sai Baba is sitting on the first storey of the building. To view the sai baba statue completely,one has to stand away from the building and lift their heads

DSCN0298sai baba statue machilipatnam