Vitamin A
Vitamin A is the most essential Nutrients for our Human Body. Vitamin A helps to cure many diseases like ulcers, varicose veins, osteoarthritis, acne, cataracts and AIDS. We shall now look at the importance of Vitamin A in Detail.
Vitamins cannot be assimilated without ingesting food. This is why doctors suggest us to take vitamins with a meal. Vitamins help to regulate body metabolism and assist in forming the bone and tissue. However one has to remember that vitamins cannot replace Food. Vitamins are absolutely necessary for growth and general well being.
Vitamin A is actually a group of compounds which is soluble in fat and is responsible for cell reproduction, healthy vision and cell growth. Vitamin A helps in generation of leucocytes and in the process protects the inner lining of the lungs and the intestinal tract.
Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency
Vitamin A deficiency is not that common because adults generally have a good reserve of this vitamin. Vitamin A is stored in liver and other fatty parts of the body. Vitamin A deficiency may cause bone abnormalities, night blindness, hair loss, retarded growth, hyperkeratosis and susceptibility to viral infections.
How Vitamin A Helps?
Vitamin A helps to repair body tissues and maintain smooth, disease free skin.
Vitamin A helps to keep the immune system working.
Vitamin A helps to reduce the risk of lung, oral cancer and counteracts night blindness.
Vitamin A protects Mucous membrane of mouth, throat, lungs and nose.
Vitamin A Toxicity
However too much of Vitamin A storage is not good for the human Body. This condition is called as Hypervitaminosis A. This may lead to congenital defects, low density of bone minerals, CNS Disorders etc. If there is acute toxicity there may be problems like weakness, headache, fatigue, anemia and schizophrenia.
Food Sources of Vitamin A
Foods rich in Vitamin A include Cod Liver oil, Carrots, Spinach, Pumpkins, broccoli, meat, eggs and baked sweet potatoes.
People who are more susceptible to Vitamin A deficiency include the vegetarians, alcohol drinkers, those having digestive diseases and pancreatic disorders and children
To Increase Vitamin A Storage eat meat, eggs and other foods rich in Vitamin A. Cut down Alcohol and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables regularly.
Prolonged Excessive intake of Vitamin A may result in a condition called hypervitaminosis A. These Symptoms may include Tiredness, headache, nausea, loss of appetite, hair loss, diarrhea and itchy skin. In extreme cases, there may also be pain in bones and enlargement of the liver and spleen. Excessive intake of vitamin A during pregnancy may cause birth defects.